Hardware Supervisor

HardwareSupervisor is a windows service that monitor the Hardware state of your machine.


Windows service

Hardware Supervisor always runs in background as a Windows Service. So it's not necessary to enter Administrator password every time.


Libre Hardware Monitor

Build on top of Libre Hardware Monitor.


Windows Management Instrumentation

Sensors data can be accessible through WMI protocol.


Dynamic fan control

FAN dynamically change their speed as hardware temperature change.


Live configuration

You can tweak your config file without the need to restart the service!



A software failure or simply a wrong configuration may burn your hardware! So use it at your own risk! Let's see how to configure this feature. Here's an example of config.yaml file:

                # CamelCase format
                autoFanControl: true
                # Debug, Info, Warn, Error
                logLevel: Debug
                    # CPU
                        - temperature: 30
                          load: 50
                        - temperature: 50
                          load: 60
                        - temperature: 70
                          load: 100
                    - temperature: 20
                      load: 30
                    - temperature: 30
                      load: 40
                    - temperature: 40
                      load: 60
                    - temperature: 70
                      load: 100

Initially it is suggested to use a Debug logLevel to understand better what's going on. In sensors key you can specify a different curve for each detected sensor. You can see which sensors are detected simply running HardwareSupervisor at least one time and looking to it's log file, you should see something like that:

                2021-10-31 12:10:13.3405|INFO|AutoControls|Found sensor: /lpc/it8631e/0
                2021-10-31 12:10:13.3405|INFO|AutoControls|Found sensor: /lpc/it8631e/1
                2021-10-31 12:10:13.3405|INFO|AutoControls|Found sensor: /nvidiagpu/0

In this example three sensors are detected: /lpc/it8631e/0, /lpc/it8631e/1 and /nvidiagpu/0. This sensors are special, they are temperature sensors with an enabled PWM controller unit to handle FAN spin, HardwareSupervisor can handle only these sensors. default it's the curve used if no one can match. You can specify all curve points through it's coordinates: temperature (in celsius) and load (in %). You can add as many points as you like. Keep in mind that if temperature < min(temperature), load will be fixed to load(min(temperature)) and if temperature >= max(temperature), load will be fixed to load(max(temperature)). Look at a curve example


So it's not necessary to introduce these points:

                - temperature: 0
                  load: 20
                - temperature: 100
                  load: 100


Information are published through Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) protocol at namespace root/HardwareSupervisor and are available to anyone without the need to be an Administrator account.

Power Shell

A simple way to query HardwareSupervisor is via Power Shell, it's also a great way to see if HardwareSupervisor is working.

PS C:\> get-wmiobject -namespace "root/HardwareSupervisor" -Class Sensor


Another great way to see data collected by HardwareSupervisor is to use HardwareSupervisorRainmeterPlugin
